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Riverbend Massage Therapy... a turning point in your healing journey


Meet Our RMTs

Alexa Small owns and operates Riverbend Massage Therapy. She has been a Registered Massage Therapist with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario since September 2019. She graduated from Sir Sandford Fleming College’s condensed Massage Therapy diploma program in 2019, Amrita Living Yoga 200hr teacher training certificate in 2016, Trent University’s Indigenous Environmental BSc in 2015, and SSFC’s Environmental Technology in 2012.


Alexa is trained in therapeutic massage techniques including fascial work, deep tissue massage, and gentle joint mobilizations to encourage balance in the body and a full range of motion. Alexa also uses relaxation techniques to “respect your nerves” and promote the parasympathetic nervous system response which calms the mind, body and stress response.

Alexa looks at the camera, smiling. She wears a cozy shawl and stands in front of a wooden wall.

Room Available for Rent

Riverbend Massage has room to grow! Massage therapists and other healthcare practitioners who are keen to work in a  thorough, sensitive and client-focused environment are encouraged to inquire. 

looking upstream on a summer morning from the riverbank. early morning sun listens on the rippling water and riparian trees.

Rivers nourish indiscriminately. 

and teach us the importance of boundaries (riverbanks)

to direct the flow of our energy so we may meet

our goals, our purpose, our potential.

Rivers embody yin and yang as the riffles and pools take turns continuing along its course. Eroding and depositing sediment as the river meanders across the landscape, letting itself follow the simplest path without a fight. Flow like water and call it art. 

What lessons do rivers have for us?

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